This time with a reference plate, I modelled the seagull in a similar way to the crab's body. I started with a small plane and just sat for a while extruding faces and positioning them to get the rough shape.
I used symmetry and turbosmooth every once in a while to check the shape.
Here's the seagull modelled and textured. At this stage it has creepy, human-like feet. I changed this later on because the looked too strange!
Also relevant to the story, I modelled a monocle starting with a cylinder and using the inset and extrude tools.
The chain was created by making a spline and moving it around so it was the right shape. I then created a thin torus. The torus was then placed in an array following the line using the spacing tool which is found at Tools > Align > Spacing Tool.
He also looks pretty good in a top hat.
`lovely stuff!