Thursday 1 March 2012

Using Morpher

Using the facial shapes I found in my research earlier, I can use the morpher modifier to give expression to my main antagonist.


Below are the different faces Crabs can pull. These are just the basic faces, but by combining them, moving limbs, moving eyes, eyelids and dilating pupils, a wider range of emotion can be achieved.

Dilated pupils, widened eyes and an 'Ooo' expression is how Crabs will look when we sees something he likes and wants.

By manipulating the FFD boxes, I can give Crabs an angrier expression. This is combined with the 'Anger' mouth shape.

A wince and the 'Yuk' face makes Crabs look disgusted.

The 'FVBPM' face is used in dialogue more than expression. This is the shape the mouth makes with  those letters. Mostly air being pushed through the front, top teeth.

This is the 'Elvis'. I suppose I can make him look confused with this. An unsymmetrical wince helps too.

This is Crabs' neutral face. His eyes will probably be a little wider as he looks a bit too dopey like this.

This is the 'Smile' mouth shape.

This is the 'Frown' mouth shape.

Widened eyes and the 'Big Smile' mouth shape make Crabs look even happier.

Raised lower eyelids and the 'Big Frown' face make him look  upset.

The 'Oh' expression and widened eyes make him look surprised.
All of these models are linked to the original with the morpher modifier.

The army of crabs will all be hidden except the rigged one.

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